Association for Cultural Typhoon Association for Cultural Typhoon


post on : 2024.06.06


パンク、クィア、フェミニズム―Trans-Pacific Experiences
司会: 田中東子


2nd Synposium
6 – 730pm, Sonday 22nd September
Punk, Queer, Feminism―Trans-Pacific Experiences
Panelists: Jessica Schwartz, Yuka Kannno, Konosuke Kawakami
Chair: Toko Tanaka
The main act in the afternoon of the 1st day is about, Punk. Jessica Schwartz, punkish musicologist of UCLA, will join the front-runner of queer studies in Japan, Yuka Kannno, and Konosuke Kawakami, artist/researcher, whose monograph The Genealogy of Punk is just published and enjoying excellent reviews. They discuss the transnational odyssey of Punk movements n this exciting ‘three codes session’.