Association for Cultural Typhoon Association for Cultural Typhoon


2024年5月2日 個人発表、グループ発表、プロジェクトワークスの公募受付開始
2024年6月6日 個人発表、グループ発表の公募受付締切り2024年6月14日 プロジェクトワークスの公募受付締切り
2024年6月27日 個人発表、グループ発表の公募結果発表(予定)
2024年7月12日 非会員発表予定者の入金締切
2024年8月5日 大会タイムテーブル公開(予定)
2024年9月22日・23日 大会開催日

・個人会員AとB、それに相当する非会員 3,000円
・個人会員C、それに相当する非会員 1,500円


※該当する会員の区分が不明な方は、カルチュラル・スタディーズ学会事務局( )までご連絡をお願いいたします。

入会申し込みについてはこちら( )をご覧ください。


【Key dates】
May 2, 2024: Online application submission form available
June 6, 2024: Application deadline for the proposals of Individual and Group Presentations
June 14, 2024: Application deadline for the proposals of Project Works
June 27, 2024: Announcement of application results (tentative)
July 12, 2024: Payment deadline for non-member presenters
August 5, 2024: Release of the conference program (tentative)
September 22 and 23, 2024: Conference Dates

【Contacts for inquiries regarding presentations】
For ACT members in Category A or B, and non-member employees (corresponding to ACT membership in Category A or B): 3,000 yen per person
ACT members in Category C, and student or civilian non-members (corresponding to ACT membership in Category C): 1,500 yen per person

・Category A (annual membership fee: 10,000 yen)
Those who work full time (including in tenured positions) at a university or research institution, and those who can claim their membership fees as allowable expenses.
・Category B (annual membership fee: 6,000 yen)
Those who work part time at a university or research institution, or those who cannot claim their membership fees as allowable expenses.
・Category C (annual membership fee: 4,000 yen)
Students as defined in Article 4 of the regulations of the Association for Cultural Typhoon, non-regular or temporary employees, and those who have retired from universities or research institutions (or those over 70 years of age).

*If you are unsure about your membership category, please contact the Association for Cultural Typhoon Secretariat:

【Membership application】
Please follow the link below for more information about becoming a member.
Application information: