Association for Cultural Typhoon (ACT) Regulation
Article 1 (Name)
This society shall be called Association for Cultural Typhoon (abbreviated as ACT) / ‘Cultural Studies Association’.
Article 2 (Purpose)
The purpose of ACT is to promote international exchange amongst both national and international individuals who are interested in Cultural Studies as well as in culture & politics and social movements, thereby contributing to its development.
Article 3 (Activities)
ACT shall carry out the following activities:
- Hold an international conference (known as “Cultural Typhoon”)
- Organize workshops, symposiums, lectures
- Publish a research journal
- Fraternize with relevant associations and organizations
- Engage in other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of ACT
Article 4 (Membership)
ACT membership shall consist of the following four categories:
- Individual member (individuals who support the objectives of ACT)
- Student members (students enrolled in higher education and support the objectives of ACT)
- Group members (organizations which support the objectives of ACT)
- Supporting members (individuals and organizations which support the objectives of ACT and are willing sponsors)
Article 5 (Membership Approval)
Individual, student and group members shall be approved by the ACT Board.
Article 6 (Supporting Membership)
Supporting members shall be nominated by the ACT Board and approved by the General Assembly.
Article 7 (Annual Fee)
Members shall pay a prescribed annual fee. Those who fail to pay their annual fee for more than three consecutive years shall lose membership rights.
Article 8 (Resignation)
Once the ACT Board has been notified, members may promptly resign from ACT.
Article 9 (Expulsion)
Members who have infringed upon the principles of ACT may be expelled after the ACT Board has met for a council.
Article 10 (General Assembly)
1) A general assembly shall ordinarily be convened annually. An extraordinary general assembly shall be convened by the Chairperson if requested by the ACT Board or at least a quarter of ACT members.
2) The General Assembly is the highest legislative organ of ACT. Resolution of the General Assembly need be approved by a majority of members present. However, amendments to ACT Regulation and dissolution of ACT need be approved by two-thirds of the members present. Non-attending members are able to delegate proxy voting rights to attending members or to the General Assembly President.
Article 11 (Positions)
1) ACT shall appoint the following positions.
- one board chairperson
- a small number of board officers
- two auditors
2) The term of appointment shall last two years, commencing when the annual General Assembly is convened and terminating two years later when the annual General Assembly is convened. Positions may be reappointed in succession for up to two terms. Those who served as board officers may not subsequently be appointed as the auditor in the following term.
3) Positions shall be appointed with an endeavor to be bias-free and proportionately balanced in terms of age and gender. (Bylaws shall be determined separately.)
Article 12 (Board Officer/Auditor)
1) Board Officers and Auditors shall be elected in accordance with a bylaw.
2) ACT Board, composed of a Board Chairperson and Board Officers, shall execute the affairs of ACT.
3) The Auditor is obligated to audit the accounts of ACT and disclose it to the General Assembly.
4) If a Board Officer fails to carry out its appointed duties, ACT Board may appoint a proxy.
Article 13 (Chairperson)
1) The Chairperson shall be elected by ACT Board from amongst its members, and be approved by the General Assembly.
2) The Chairperson is a representative of ACT and shall administrate over its affairs.
3) If the Chairperson is unable to carry out its duties, ACT Board shall elect an Acting Chairperson from amongst its members to execute its duties.
4) The term of office of Chairperson is two years, and there shall be no reappointment.
Article 14 (Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee)
1) In order to conduct the activities specified under Article 3, ACT shall establish a Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee.
2) ACT Board shall appoint a qualified person from within and without ACT to act as the Executive Committee Chairperson. The Executive Committee Chairperson shall be commissioned by the Board Chairperson.
3) The Executive Committee Chairperson shall promptly organize an Executive Committee and hold an annual International Conference in accordance with a bylaw.
Article 15 (Planning and Research Committee)
In order to undertake the activities stated in Article 3, ACT may establish a Planning and Research Committee. ACT Board shall select several candidates from within ACT members and they shall be commissioned by the Board Chairperson to serve on the Planning and Research Committee.
Article 16 (Editorial Committee)
In order to undertake the activities stated in Article 3, ACT shall establish a Editorial Committee. ACT Board shall select several candidates from within ACT members and they shall be commissioned by the Board Chairperson to serve on the Editorial Committee.
Article 17 (Dissolution/Amendment)
1) Proposals to amend the Regulation or dissolve ACT may be submitted to the General Assembly if made by ACT Board or one-fourth of all ACT members.
2) The accomplishments of ACT will be assessed every 10 years by the General Assembly, and due adjustments accordingly made which includes considering the possibility of dissolution.
Article 18(Bylaws to the Regulation)
Bylaws may be established by the resolution of the General Assembly in order to implement the contents set forth in the Regulation.
Article 19 (Secretariat/Treasury)
1) Location of the Secretariat and Treasury shall be established by the Board Chairman after a council with the Board Officers.
2) 事務局には、幹事会が会員のなかから推薦し、代表幹事が委嘱した幹事若干名をおくことができる。
3) The fiscal year of ACT shall be from 1st April to 31st March.
Rule Regarding Membership Fee
Article 1
Members shall pay the following annual fee at the beginning of the fiscal year.
- Individual Member 10,000YEN
Individual members who are not in full time university employment are eligible for the discount to 6,000YEN.
- Student Member 4,000YEN
- Group Member 15,000YEN
- Supporting Member 15,000YEN per share
Additional Clause
- This law shall be in effect from 2017 fiscal year.
- Group Members and Supporting Members that have delivered the annual fee shall be presented with three copies of the association journal as well as complementary tickets to the annual conference for three persons.
Rule Regarding the Formation of Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee
Proposed Dates: 2010.10.03. 2011.12.17 (ver.2.0)
Article 1
This committee shall be called the Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee.
Article 2
Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee will be organized every year in order to manage a cultural typhoon.
Article 3
Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee will plan and operate an international conference.
Article 4
1) Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee will consist of the following positions.
- Committee Chairperson (general manager of the conference)
- Committee Members (both members and non-members of ACT may join)
- A secretariat consisting of a small number of members from Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee shall be installed.
- There shall be one accountant selected from the secretariat who must fulfill the responsibility of making a full disclosure to the Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee as well as to ACT.
- If deemed expedient, positions other than listed above may be created.
2) Duration of term of the Executive Committee shall begin shortly after the previous conference to the following year when a conference has closed.
Article 5
Cultural Typhoon Executive Committee must hold a monthly meeting as a general rule; minutes of the meeting must be taken and disclosed to ACT members.
Election Rules
Article 4 (The number of executive committee members and auditors)
The number of executive committee members selected via election shall be fixed as seven. The number of auditors shall be fixed as two.
Article 5 (Election procedure)
- The electoral constituency, which consists of the whole world, shall be singular in its composition.
- The electoral commission will designate the voting deadline to be, at latest, four weeks before the ordinary general meeting is held.
- The electoral commission will draw up an election ledger and notify all association members who have the right to vote of its content, at latest, eight weeks before the voting deadline.
Article 6 (Voting procedure)
- Association members who are listed in the election ledger shall individually cast their votes using the designated electronic means. Only the ballots cast before the voting deadline shall be considered valid.
- As regards voting, up to three candidates for the position of executive committee member and up to two candidates for the position of auditor shall be named in the ballot.