Association for Cultural Typhoon

Cultural Typhoon 2024 Call for papers

post on : 2024.05.02

Call for papers for Individual presentations, Group presentations and Project works

We are delighted to announce that Cultural Typhoon 2024 Kobe is now in full charge of calling for papers for Individual presentations, Group presentations and Project works. Topics, just for example, may include the following:

・Contemporary Port Cultures
・Decline and Rejuvenating Trial of Shopping Arcades / Streets
・Postindustrialisation and Port Labour
・Critical Examination of Multiculturalist Policy
・Gender and Port City Life
・Experiences of Immigration/Emigration
・Counter Actions against Discrimination of Migrants
・Racism in Port
・Counter Actions against Discrimination of Sexual Minorities
・Port City from Feminists’ Perspectives
・Earthquake Disaster and Its Aftermath from Feminists’ Perspectives
・Earthquake Disaster and Human Disaster, Memory and the Present
・Response and Reaction towards Pollution and Climate Change
・Environment/Ecology and the Current State of Port Cities
・Fossil Energy and Port Industry
・The ‘Shutter Problem’ and Gentrification
・Natural Disaster and ‘Reconstruction’
・Pandemic, Epidemic and Port City
・Contemporary Sports and Port City
・Port City in Film
・Port and Music
・Street Cultures in Port City
・Accommodating the Youth
・Food Cultures in Port
Also other related topics are very welcome.

◉Notes for applicants and participants

As the host city of Cultural Typhoon 2024 is Kobe, a port city, topics of CFP may be seen as slightly specific and place-oriented. However, it is not our intention to set an exclusive bar against topics other than port, Kobe or the Kansai area. The core value of Cultural Typhoon is to involve diverse activities of cultural studies practiced all over Japan, East Asia and the world. The hurdle is low, the gate is wide. We are ready to welcome many willing applications.

Venues of Cultural Typhoon Kobe 2024 are dispersed in two places; KIITO and Nishinada-Suidousuji area. In the latter in particular, we are unable to set up a nursery and enforce the barrier-free structure in every venue due to spatial conditions. Therefore, we kindly ask all participants to cooperate with each other at the site if you find someone who needs help for whatever conditions. Participation with small children, with or without baggies, is very welcome. Participants with handicapped conditions, with or without wheelchairs and other aiding equipment, are also very welcome. Mutual respect and mutual support are essential for us to organise a successful event.

We are sorry that we cannot provide interpreters for symposiums, individual and group sessions, and other activities throughout the two days. Please help each other and provide necessary support if you find someone stranded by language difficulties to make sure that we all have a comfortable and pleasant environment. Providing interpreters would be great and it would make Kobe Typhoon look more proper and appropriate. However, we don’t presume the host/guest distinction. We believe that the Typhoon has established itself by improvisation and bricolage, by closely collaborating with participants. It is true that we collect the entry fee but it is far below the standard price in comparison to other academic associations. The largest part of your entry fee is used for facility fees, PR, necessary goods and internet streaming. Cultural Typhoon is an academic festival in which both organisers and participants equally co-work and help each other for the same cause. We cordially ask you to understand our standpoint and to join us in the coming September. Thank you.