Notes on independent distribution
post on : 2024.09.16
To all individual presenters, group presenters and PW exhibitors
Cultural Typhoon Kobe 2024 will not be streamed other than the symposium held at KIITO Gallery A. However, you may want to broadcast each presentation or session independently and you are very welcome to do so with your own degital devices.
However, please be sure to inform the executive committee in advance of the URL of Youtube, Zoom, Teams, etc. you may want to use for streaming. →
As with on-site participation, streaming viewing is only available to those who have paid the participation fee. For it would be extremely unfair if you could watch something just by having a personal connection even if you didn’t pay. This is not what Cultural Typhoon stand for. The executive committee will provide the aggregated URLs to everyone who has paid the participation fee. Please keep this in mind.
Thank you for your cooperattion with us.
Cultural Typhoon Kobe 2024 Executive Committee Chair