Association for Cultural Typhoon Association for Cultural Typhoon

CT2023 ポスター公開&基調対話・シンポジウムの詳細について

post on : 2023.08.04








日時:2023年9月2日 13時~15時
A Dialogue on the New Pre-war (Or Wartime) and Feminism, with Kuan-hsing Chen


小笠原 博毅(神戸大学)


We are in a situation in which military threat propaganda, rapid rise of military budget, surveillance and control society, and reinforcement of national border, all these are on-going to make national mobilisation realistic. Are they new pre-wartime symptoms? Or are we already in a wartime? At the main dialogic symposium of this year’s Cultural Typhoon, this situation is examined in the context of inter-relationships between ex-east Asian colonies of the Japanese Empire and the old coloniser Japan with a help of feminism that has recently become the chief backbone of cultural studies in Japan. The dialogue will be launched by Kuan-hsing Chen who has been an inspiration figure for a long time in the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies sphere.


日時:2023年9月3日 10時~12時
Deleted Voices, Recalling Messages: 100 years after the Great Kanto Earthquake




There were two Korean patients at Oji Mental Hospital in the 1920s, about 100 years ago from now. It is recorded that they often had trouble quarreling with each other and used to sing Korean songs. Their medical records do not tell us what they talked and sang in Korean nor what were the causes of their mental illness, because their Korean language was unintelligible for the medical stuff at that time. In-Mates, the video works created by Yuki Iiyama, attempts to recall such voices of two Koreans through performances of a 2.5 generation Zainichi Korean rapper FUNI. Meanwhile, we must note that this work was rejected to exhibit at Tokyo Metropolitan Human Rights Plaza since it dealt with the history of the massacre of Koreans during the Great Kanto Earthquake and FUNI’s lyrics representing two Koreans are regarded as hate speech. What’s going on? In this symposium held 100 years after the Earthquake, we are going to screen In-Mates with a live rap performance of FUNI to recall messages of the past. By articulating the past and the present age of New Pre-war (or Wartime?) when it becomes more difficult to sense the feelings and words of our neighbors while the violent languages of propaganda diffuse over both on streets and cyberspaces. By intersecting the art, music, community, religion, and history, we are going to examine how the language of rap music and the censored art expression illuminate thoughts of present and future.


日時:2023年9月3日 16時30分~18時30分
The Stories of transgender and empowerment: remembering the History of solidarity



 これまでにも、連帯の歴史は続いてきた。その連帯をわたしたちは記憶したい。2022年には、『反トランス差別ZINE われらはすでに共にある』(反トランス差別ZINE編集部=青本柚紀、高島鈴、水上文)が刊行され、2023年8月に増補版『われらはすでに共にある:反トランス差別ブックレット』(現代書館)が刊行された。『シモーヌ』Vol.5で、高井ゆと里が書いた「時計の針を抜く:トランスジェンダーが閉じ込めた時間」にあるように、トランスジェンダーの人びとはブログやSNSで豊かな言葉を紡いできたし、ほかにも多くの多様な表現があったことも重要である。文芸誌『すばる』2023年8月号では「トランスジェンダーの物語」特集が組まれ、周司あきら、高井ゆと里『トランスジェンダー入門』(集英社新書、2023年)が刊行され、エンパワメントは現在進行形で続いている。
 だが、わたしたちが記憶しなければならないのは、連帯して迫害に抗ってきた歴史だ。作家の李琴峰は、「朝日新聞」(2023年5月12日)の記事「LGBT迫害から立ち上がる シドニーで見た歴史への敬意」で、世界最大規模のLGBTの祭典マルディ・グラを訪れたときに見た、シドニーのボンダイビーチの崖の上にある追悼記念碑に刻まれた言葉を踏まえてこう書いている。「記念碑の名は、「Rise」――蜂起する、立ち上がる、の意だ。LGBTは人間の歴史を通して一緒くたにされて迫害を受け、それでも何度も強く立ち上がって闘ってきた。これからも連帯のために手を携えて生きていくだろう。私はそう信じている」。物語はエンパワメントする。物語は抵抗する。物語は連帯する。そのためには、歴史を学び、伝え、記憶する必要がある。このシンポジウムが目指すのは、その可能性である。

People have spun the stories of transgender and keep on spinning today. While the discourse that belittles the life of transgender people and causes more discrimination and prejudices has increased, these stories will encourage transgender people and give them the power to live. At the same time, as Shon Faye revealed in “The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice” (Yutori Takai [Translator], Akashi-shoten, 2022),  any other minorities also can live comfortably in the world that liberates transgender people. But, it would not only be us who want to change the world with patriarchy remaining, widening economic inequality, and filled with violence. It is no one but you that transgender stories empower.
The history of solidarity has lasted in the past as well. We want to remember that solidarity in our hearts. In 2022, Gendai-shokan published “Han toransu sabetsu-jinn – warera wa sudeni tomo ni aru (Anti-Transphobia Zine – We are already together),” and the release of the enlarged edition was in August 2023. As Yutori Takai wrote in “Tokei no hari wo nuku – toransujendaa ga tojikometa jikan (Pulling out the hands of a clock – the time that transgender locked up)” in “Les Simones” vol.5, it is important to note that transgender people have weaved their words through blogs and social media, and plenty of other various expressions have been created. The literary magazine Subaru featured “The story of transgender” in the August 2023 issue, and “Toransujendaa nyumon (The introduction to transgender)” (Shueisha-shinsho) by Akira Shuji and Yutori Takai was also published in 2023, indicating that the empowerment is ongoing right now.
However, what we should keep in mind is the history of resisting persecution through solidarity. In the article of the Asahi Shimbun, May 12, 2023,  “LGBT hakugai kara tachiagaru –  shidonii de mita rekishi eno keii (Standing up from the persecution of LGBT – the respect to the history that I saw in Sydney),” the writer Kotomi Li describes as follows, with referring to the word engraved on a monument on the cliff in Bondi Beach, Sydney. “Rise” is the monument’s name, which means to revolt and stand. Throughout the history of humanity, LGBT has been persecuted and lumped up together, nevertheless standing up and fighting.
I believe that they will hold hands and live together for solidarity.” A story empowers. A story resists. A story solidifies. Thus, we need to learn history, pass it to the next generation and remember it. The goal of the symposium is that possibility.