Association for Cultural Typhoon

CT2020 Paper Presentation Registration Fee

If you are not currently member of the Association for Cultural Typhoon, you need to pay a ‘Paper Presentation Registration Fee’ after receiving an acceptance of your proposal.

Paper Presentation Registration Fee (Pay after receiving acceptance of proposal)

  • Employed (full-time)     13,000 yen
  • Other           5,000 yen

*If you would like to register as an ACT member, you need not pay Paper Presentation Registration Fee.

*If you would like to participate the conference only as an audience, you need to pay just 3,000 yen

*We can issue a receipt only at the registration desk on the day of the conference. Otherwise, please use the screenshot of the payment page as your receipt.

<Payment Methods>

(1) Transfer to Japan Post Bank Company, Limited

Branch (支店名):  438
Account Number (口座番号): 9392112
Account Name (名前):  カルチュラル・スタディーズガッカイ

*Please make the payment in your registered name.

(2) PayPal

Paper presentation
fill in your name
fill in your email address